Tuffy Gardens
“Toffee” or Tuffy Gardens as the locals named it, is derived from a boat called Tuffy that wrecked in this area. The pieces that still remain are now partially covered by coral formations, providing a home for numerous sea life. Situated next to Tackle Box Canyon, you can definitely sight the local residents here – the huge schools of bluestriped grunts,
jacks and some groupers, snappers, parrotfish, angelfish, lionfish, eels, lobsters, yellow sting rays, southern sting rays, nurse sharks swimming among the elk horn corals, brain corals and stag horns, just to name a few.
At the Captain’s Choice, you will get an opportunity to discover corals in more vibrant colors and a new range of reef systems apart from those in Tres Cocos.
Come with Somos to explore one of the oldest marine reserves in a different way to begin your amazing day full of new experiences.
8:30 or 1:30 Come join us for freshly brewed coffee or cool refreshments on the dock
9:00 or 2:00 Boat ride from Somos to Tuffy Gardens (1st stop)
9:15 or 2:15 Snorkel at Tuffy Gardens
10:00 or 3:00 Light refreshment & snacks served on-board
10:15 or 3:15 Snorkel at Captain’s Choice (2nd stop)
11:00 or 4:00 Yummy rum punch served on-board on return trip
11:15 or 4:15 Photo sharing at Somos
We highly encourage you to hang around Somos at the end of the trip to share the photos taken duing the day.
P.S. Someone has to finish the rum punch anyway!
A 2.5 hour trip with 2 stops that bring you to Tuffy Gardens & a Captain’s Choice Stop
Tuffy Gardens: Spotted eagle rays, purple sea fans “Gorgonia Ventalina”
Captain’s Choice: Discover more vibrant corals and different reef systems
​​​Our guide will be with you throughout the trip
Exclusive! Our guide will be armed with a camera to capture the special moments of the trip
Light refreshments & snacks served on-board
All snorkeling equipment included
Rum punch served at Somos upon return​